Chimney Sweeping
Chimney sweepings are essential to the long-term health, safety, and efficiency of your chimney system. All reputable organizations and professionals recommend regular sweepings for a variety of reasons. For example, they prevent buildup of hazardous, highly flammable materials. That’s just one reason! Our “No Mess” guarantee means we will leave your house spotless upon completion, so you can rest easy when we’re in your home! Learn more about our extensive chimney sweeping services and why they’re so important right here.
Chimney & Masonry Repair
A deteriorating or damaged chimney decreases the aesthetic appeal of your home tremendously, but there are safety concerns to consider as well. Luckily, our staff can handle any repairs necessary to restore the look and function of your chimney and fireplace! We perform repair services such as tuckpointing, smoke chamber repair, damper repair and installation, chimney relining, and leak repair. If an entirely new chimney is needed, we can also perform a system rebuild! Read more about our thorough chimney and masonry repair services right here.
Chimney Inspections
Similar to sweepings, chimney inspections are vital services that can help protect and prolong the service life of your chimney system. The CSIA and NFPA have outlined three levels of inspections, with each more extensive than the last. A level one inspection is more routine, level two inspections involve video camera technologies, and level three inspections often require major construction and demolition. Our staff will let you know which level is necessary, based on your system’s condition, use, and history. Trust us to act with the honesty and integrity of a family-owned business! Learn more about our chimney inspections and why they’re such an important part of home maintenance and safety here.